What People are Saying

"I have asked Peter to help me twice with sports related injuries. In both situations, I was very concerned with pain and a slow recovery. The areas around the injuries were severely swollen and, until the swelling resolved itself, I was out of action. Peter was able to help me reduce the swelling much faster than if I had just let the healing process follow its natural course. After a number of visits to Peter, the swelling abated, and I was able to return to my regular activities. I highly recommend Peter’s services to anyone who has an athletic or other type of injury that results in pain or other problems related to excessive swelling."
-- “Aging Athlete,” Pittsburgh

"I came to Peter for assistance with chronic neck pain and migraines. These issues had been bothering me for over 7 years, and I would have a migraine every two weeks on average. Today, I rarely have migraines, and my neck pain is minimal. I found that, over time, our treatments became more wholistic, focusing on internal and external sources of stress. By bringing the treatment to a deeper level, we were able to relieve the more superficial symptoms by addressing the underlying cause. I found that the treatments resulted in significantly less frequent migraines and reduced neck pain as well as an improved sense of well-being."
-- Dorothy, Pittsburgh

"Working with Peter provided critical support when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Peter helped me weather the physical and emotional stress of breast cancer diagnosis. Cancer and surgery are frightening. Working with Peter supported me in ways that I could not have imagined. My diagnosis/treatment became a challenge that I had worked through rather than a trauma that had happened to me."
-- Dorothy, Pittsburgh

"In seeking an alternative treatment for my migraine headaches, a friend suggested acupuncture and referred me to Peter. I was truly fortunate to get the referral because he helped me to get rid of my migraines. It was always a pleasure to see him. Peter was a good listener and had great suggestions to better improve my mental and physical health. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone I know! I am just sorry that his practice has relocated, and I can no longer be his patient."
-- Eve, Boca Raton

"Peter is just a great human being, always warm and supportive and a wonderful listener. He takes the time to explain a bit of the philosophy behind the particular approach he is taking for the patient's acupuncture procedure. His cues to the patient of what might be an outcome or feeling are always right on target, but he never loses sight of the patient's active role in the process and the patient's feedback. Peter really defines all the qualities of a great acupuncture practitioner."
-- Howard, Pittsburgh

"When I came to see Peter, I was having 4-5 migraines each week. As a high school sophomore, this was ruining my life. Within 6 months of working with Peter, I would have less than one migraine a month. Today, I go months without a migraine. The work we've done has been very helpful in taking care of my problems. Peter has always been successful in creating a relaxing and comfortable environment for me to work in."
-- Allison, Pittsburgh

"Every session with Peter presents me with a new opportunity to make positive changes in my own life. It has been very helpful to me both physically and spiritually, and I would recommend him to anyone who feels "stuck" in some manner but wants to make changes for the better. He has always made me feel very comfortable and well-informed about our sessions, and I've come to appreciate them deeply."
-- Reed, Pittsburgh

"Peter helped me with pain in my feet from arthritis. It was hard for me to pinpoint the exact spots that hurt, but, with his patience and encouragement, he got to the root of the problem."
-- Elaine, Pittsburgh